To complete the registration process, you will need the following.
A passport type profile photo. The file must be square in dimension and no smaller than 160px X 160px.
Your ARN (as issued by CASA) OR your Membership Number (as issued by RAAus) [If you are a member of both, please enter your ARN]
Your mobile phone, as we send an SMS code that must entered to validate the mobile number.
A copy of your Pilot and/or Maintainers license or your RAAus Membership Card. This is required for proof of ID and certification purposes.
A copy of your handwritten signature (JPEG or PNG image format), for use as a digital signature. If you do not have a file, you can create one by writing your signature on a blank A4 sheet and scanning it to an image file.
NOTE: Our server is secure and we do not share information or data with any other entities.
NOTE: This is a regulatory requirement because should you ever have a need to print your records to paper format, then your signature will be inserted where you have digitally certified for entries made.
Upon completion of registration, an email will be sent with the login details. Our staff will verify your license/s, ARN and signature, according to CASA requirements. If they are not valid, the account will be cancelled.